Charitable Impact Data – Now Available By State
Ideal for State Governments and Councils
MRA Consulting has drilled down into the datasets of the Charitable Impact Study to identify the impact per state of the charitable reuse and recycling sector. Here are some (rounded) highlights on diversion from landfill and revenue raised per state per year, plus job creation:
Charitable Diversion from Landfill (Annual)
- NSW – 249,900 Tonnes
- VIC – 242,800 Tonnes
- QLD – 282,300 Tonnes
- SA – 99,200 Tonnes
- WA – 81,900 Tonnes
- TAS – 36,100 Tonnes
Revenue Raised for Social Good (Annual)
- NSW – $238 Million
- VIC – $232 Million
- QLD – $269 Million
- SA – $94 Million
- WA – $78 Million
- TAS – $34 Million
Charitable Reuse Job Creation
- NSW – 1,316 Jobs
- VIC – 1,268 Jobs
- QLD – 1,486 Jobs
- SA – 522 Jobs
- WA – 431 Jobs
- TAS – 190 Jobs
MRA Consulting; who conducted this year long study; has also identified the material flows for clothing donations in each state, broken down by the 86% resource recovery rate of tonnes sold in charity shops, provided as welfare, recycled domestically as rags, exported overseas for reuse and the quantum of the 14% landfilled in each state from unusable donations. Data is also available by state on environmental impacts, including CO2, water and energy savings.