The NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment has entered into a Partnership Agreement with NACRO for the development of a suite of tender documents for waste and recycling management services under a Weight Based Billing system. NACRO estimates that NSW members may save up to $1.5 million annually through this project.
The benefits of a Weight Based Billing system include cost savings for charitable recycling organisations, a direct price signal to reduce waste-to-landfill and billing transparency and accountability through the supply chain.
All NACRO NSW Members are encouraged to attend the members meeting for a full briefing and details on how this will assist their operations, save them money and enable them to better access the Community Service Exemption.
- Date – 10am to 12noon on Monday 9 March 2020
- Location – Vinnies NSW, 2C West Street, Lewisham NSW
- RSVP –
This project is a NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, Waste Less, Recycle More initiative funded by the waste levy.